Springfield Auto Accident Attorneys for Seat Belt Safety

May 21, 2015 | By Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys
Springfield Auto Accident Attorneys for Seat Belt Safety

There are countless auto accidents and fatalities every year caused by driver error, inclement weather, and distracted driving. In the United States, motor vehicle fatalities are the leading cause of death for teenagers. However, drivers and passengers of all ages are much more likely to survive an accident if they are wearing a seat belt. Over the years, our auto accident attorneys have seen how traffic fatalities have been prevented due to the use of seat belts. “In an auto accident there are two collisions,” explains Mike Wyatt, auto accident attorney. “The collision of the car’s exterior, and that of the person colliding with the car’s interior. A properly won seat belt is the best prevention against a serious injury or fatality in the event of a traffic accident. ” Seat belts reduce auto fatalities by 50 percent, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 2013, the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) estimates that seat belts saved the lives of 12,584 vehicle occupants. An additional 2,800 lives would have been saved if all unrestrained victims had been properly wearing a seat belt. Despite these statistics, however, many motorists are still failing to buckle up. Fifty-five percent of all vehicle occupants involved in accidents in 2012 were not wearing seat belts (NHTSA). “Many people think they don’t need seat belts when driving short distances, or cite being a good driver as justification,” Scott Mann says, auto accident attorney. “However, the majority of fatalities on the road occur within a 30-mile radius of the home. Accidents happen quickly without enough time to react. The skill of the driver has no correlation with surviving an accident and not wearing a seat belt.” It’s important for passengers and drivers to get in the habit of fastening their seat belts every time they get in the car. Parents also need to make sure children are securely fastened before car rides. Please contact our auto accident attorneys if you have been the victim of an accident. Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys is honored to serve your case!