Category: Car Accidents

distracted driving looking at phone

One of the leading causes of auto accidents in the U.S. is due to distracted driving. Far too many motorists multi-task behind the wheel, which causes serious problems. Over 8,000 accidents a day are directly caused by distracted driving (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration). Distracted driving is caused by a…

distracted driving looking at phone

Distracted driving continues to be a major safety concern for motorists in the United States. All demographics have problems with multi-tasking behind the wheel, which makes it one of the leading causes of auto accidents. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 8,000 auto accidents each day are the…

car accident

In the Midwest, motorists know all too well the dangerous possibility of a deer and vehicle collision. These serious accidents can result in terrible injuries and fatalities. The auto accident attorneys of Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys have seen over the years how these unfortunate events can instantly change lives. To increase…

car accident

In the Midwest, deer and vehicle collisions are a grim reality for all motorists. Severe injury and death are often the result when deer unexpectedly collide with automobiles. Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys has seen over the years how these accidents can change the lives of motorists in an instant. Our auto…

car accident

One of the biggest safety concerns for motorists in the Midwest involve deer-vehicle collisions. These accidents can cause severe injury and even death for the vehicle’s occupants. The auto accident attorneys of Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys have seen firsthand how these terrible accidents affect the lives of victims. Drivers must…

car accident

Collisions between deer and vehicles in the Midwest are a grim reality that threatens the safety of motorists. Drivers and passengers are at great risk when deer and automobiles collide. It can result in severe injury and even death for the driver or passenger. Over the years, the auto accident…

car accident

In the Midwest, collisions between deer and vehicles are a serious safety concern for all motorists. When deer and automobiles collide it can cause severe injury and even death for the occupants of the vehicle.  In order to increase road safety, there are many precautions drivers can take to protect…

snowy highway traffic

Over the years, the attorneys of Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys have seen how motorists cause terrible accidents because they were texting while driving. However, this dangerous situation is exacerbated even further when combined with inclement weather. This dangerous combination can lead to a greater number of auto accident injuries and fatalities….

snowy highway traffic

The attorneys of Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys have seen firsthand how texting while driving causes horrendous accidents. When this unsafe practice is combined with inclement weather, then the situation gets even worse. Texting and driving in bad weather conditions may lead to a higher number of auto accident injuries and…

snowy highway traffic

Throughout the years, the lawyers of Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys have seen the dangers of texting while driving. However, the levels of danger are heightened even further when this practice is combined with inclement weather. This hazardous combination may result in an increase of accident injuries and fatalities. “Texting while driving takes…