Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys are Your Attorneys for Auto Accidents Dodge City KS

May 10, 2014 | By Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys
Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys are Your Attorneys for Auto Accidents Dodge City KS

There are millions of vehicles on the road everyday, which makes auto accidents an unfortunate reality. Often times they involve nothing more than a minor fender bender, but there are other times when an accident has tragic consequences. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), over 400,000 people sustained injuries due to distraction-related car crashes in 2012. Car accidents are distressing events that can result in lost work wages, medical bills, chronic physical and emotional pain, and even fatalities. At Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys – in Dodge City, KS, our auto injury accident lawyers have a proven successful track record. Let’s examine some of the most common causes of automobile injury accidents and how they can be prevented. Physical and mental distractions can significantly hamper our ability to drive a vehicle. The wide majority of car accidents are caused by drivers under the influence, distracted drivers (those who text or talk on the phone, etc.), inclement weather conditions, and reckless negligent driving. The most common causes of auto accidents are the result of following another vehicle too closely, changing lanes, turning without looking, and of course speeding. Driver fatigue is also a huge factor that causes deadly accidents. Operating a vehicle without sufficient sleep is just as reckless as driving while intoxicated or texting behind the wheel. In order to decrease the number of accidents, drivers must be acutely aware of traffic conditions and have the alertness to anticipate the moves of other drivers. When an accident occurs, there are several types of injuries that can cause severe emotional and physical suffering. The most common injuries resulting from auto accidents include spinal cord and back injuries, neck or head injuries, and facial injuries caused by slamming into the steering wheel. Collisions in automobile accidents involve tremendous force that can result in injuries to your heart, kidneys, brain, bowels, spleen and other internal organs. Please contact the attorneys at Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys – in Dodge City, KS if you’ve been involved in an auto accident. We relate to every client on a personal level and provide unparalleled service so you receive fair and just compensation. Leave your legal troubles to us, while you focus your energy on reclaiming your life!