Auto Accident Attorneys and Uber Traffic Injuries in St. Joseph

December 18, 2015 | By Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys
Auto Accident Attorneys and Uber Traffic Injuries in St. Joseph

Uber rideshare services are tremendously popular with young adults thanks to the company’s convenience and lower rates. However, Uber drivers can also cause terrible traffic accidents and fatalities. Unfortunately, the complications surrounding Uber’s insurance coverage policies make it difficult for victims to receive fair compensation. If you are the victim of an Uber accident, our auto accident attorneys want you to know your rights. “There are many complexities involving the insurance coverage of Uber drivers that put injured victims at a possible disadvantage,” explains Mike Wyatt, auto accident attorney. “This is because Uber drivers are not classified as ‘employees.’ They are technically independent contractors, or third-party service providers.” Off-duty Uber drivers are covered only by their own individual auto insurance. Things change when they are ‘on the clock’ and in-between fares. In these instances they are also covered by Uber’s contingent liability coverage. However, this can pose problems for accident victims. Depending on the state and the carrier Uber chooses, this only pays up to their coverage limit for any injury or property damage. “Ultimately, this coverage puts a limit on your emotional and physical suffering,” Mike says. “If you are a passenger in the Uber car and the Uber driver causes an accident that results in your injury, then your claim against the company cannot exceed their coverage limit. In order to receive fair compensation, a victim would have to seek a claim against the Uber driver whose personal coverage would not cover the extant of the damages.” Insurance coverage is just as complicated when an Uber driver injures a pedestrian, or motorist/passenger in another vehicle. Uber will cover their driver up to the company’s coverage limit if the accident occurs when the driver is transporting a passenger. However, it falls on the driver’s individual auto insurance if the driver is off duty or in-between fares. If you have the victim of an Uber accident injury, please call Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys Injury Firm today. Our auto accident attorneys are honored to serve you and your case!