Walking into Scott Mann’s office, you’re immediately welcomed with comfortable chairs and family pictures. There’s a particular young man smiling in a basketball team photo with a determined look on his face. He’s older and wiser now, but Scott Mann hasn’t lost any of the inner fire that’s continued to drive him forward in life. Scott might be the founder of Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys, but to his clients, he “is a friend first and a lawyer second.” It’s a statement that encapsulates his approach to law and the overall philosophy of Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys. Scott was motivated to practice law after his architect father was killed in an accident. “I felt that if I had the right training and my heart was in the right place,” says Scott, “I could help other families who were going through the same thing as mine.” [videosingle id="20469" width="100%" height="400" rel="false" /] Originally from Hutchinson, Scott graduated from Kansas State University in 1983 with a BS in Business Administration. In 1986, he earned his Juris Doctorate from the University of Kansas School of Law. After spending 15 years as a partner in a prominent Hutchinson law firm, Scott decided to strike out on his own to form Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys. Most Kansas law firms are regional and focus on specific communities. However, Scott saw the need for qualified attorneys to represent the greater area of Kansas and surrounding regions. Having filled this need, Scott has seen Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys expand far past even his own expectations; catering to Kansas communities including Dodge City.
Attorney Spotlight: Scott Mann