Attorney Spotlight: Scott Mann for McPherson

April 7, 2014 | By Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys
Attorney Spotlight: Scott Mann for McPherson

Upon entering Scott Mann’s office you’re welcomed with the comforts of home — plush chairs and family pictures. A determined young basketball player smiles back at us in one particular photo. He may be older and wiser now, but Scott Mann still has the inner fire that continues to propel him forward in all aspects of his life. To outsiders Scott is the founder of Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys, but to clients it’s a much different story: “Scott is a friend first and a lawyer second.” It’s a statement that not only defines the way he conducts business, but it’s also the philosophy of Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys as a whole. His motivation for practicing law comes from a deep need to make a difference. It all began with the tragic death of his architect father after an accident. Scott says: “I felt that if I had the right training and my heart was in the right place, I could help other families who were going through the same thing as mine.” [videosingle id="20532" width="100%" height="400" rel="false" /] Scott is a Jayhawk and a Wildcat. In 1983, he graduated from Kansas State University with a BS in Business Administration, and three years later he earned his Juris Doctorate from the School of Law of the University of Kansas. Scott never forgot his Hutchinson roots, however, and returned after law school to spend 15 years as a partner in a prominent law firm. Scott was inspired to form his own law firm after he realized a need for qualified lawyers to serve the greater region of Kansas. Traditionally, the law firms of Kansas focused on their specific communities. Scott left his long-standing position and filled the needs of the people with Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys. His goal was to serve the greater Kansas area, including McPherson, and surrounding regions with expert legal service. Scott’s foresight was so successful that he is now watching Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys expand far beyond his initial vision.

Scott Mann is Your Local Kansas Attorney Ready to Lend a Friendly Hand to McPherson Residents

The accomplishment Scott loves most is assisting clients regain their livelihoods after an accident. Scott concentrates all his efforts on restoring the self-confidence victims need to reclaim their lives. Scott says: “My goal is to help individuals who are struggling to support themselves and their families. It’s not about the money — it’s about helping people and treating them like individuals.” This personal and professional relationship with clients is one that Scott doesn’t take for granted. Every relationship is valued and honored. Scott Mann makes himself available for phone calls, questions and even visits without an appointment. It’s what friendship is all about.