Because of its location on I-70, a major interstate highway that spans most of the United States, the Kansas City area has a constant flow of large commercial vehicles. That makes collisions between passenger vehicles and large trucks inevitable. When you have a collision with a large commercial truck, your main focus is getting your life back as close to normal as possible. But if the truck driver’s insurance company contacts you, it’s important to remember they likely aren’t thinking of what’s best for you. [videosingle id="21055" width="100%" height="400" rel="false" /] “The truck driver’s insurance company is not your friend or your advocate,” said Scott Mann, personal injury attorney at Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys. “In fact, they are very much the opposite.” In many cases, the trucker’s insurance company may try to make it seem as though they need to gather information to document what occurred in the accident. According to Mann, they are trying to find ways to reduce their responsibility in the accident and diminish your claim. So it’s important to make sure you guard what you say if you speak with the other insurance company because they can and will use it against you. “If you become a client of Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys, we’ll advise strongly that you don’t speak with the other insurance company at all unless an attorney is present to protect your rights,” Mann said.
Contact a Kansas City Personal Injury Attorney Immediately
Personal injuries can come with a litany of physical, mental, and emotional issues. If you’ve sustained a personal injury as the result of a collision with a large commercial truck in the Kansas City area, call the attorneys at Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys today. With more than 75 years of combined litigation experience, they will fight to get you the compensation you deserve for the aftermath of your personal injury, including:- Medical treatment
- Rehabilitative care
- Lost wages from time take off work
- Future lost income for disabling injuries
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional trauma