Have you been seriously injured at work? If so, your life has no doubt been greatly affected. For many like you, money from the workers’ compensation settlement or award cannot come soon enough. That’s why our workers’ compensation team at the Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys Midwest Personal Injury Firm in Wichita, Kansas, is often asked, “How soon can I get my workers’ compensation money?”. [videosingle id="20785" width="100%" height="400" rel="false" /] According to one of our founding attorneys who specializes in workers’ compensation, Mitch Rice, there are two possible scenarios in regards to obtaining your money:
- If a settlement is reached between you and the employer/ insurance company, then obtaining your money is typically fast and easy. “Once a settlement is reached, usually it takes two to three weeks to have a settlement hearing, which has to be before a judge who approves the settlement,” said Rice. “Then the settlement check is cut, it comes to our office and we can cut a check for your share.”
- If the case goes to court and an award is determined, then the timeline to obtain your money is much lengthier. According to AllLaw.com, “If you won at trial, you should be prepared for a one to two year appeal process to play out before you will see a check for the judgment.”