Warm Weather Increases Your Chances of an Accident in St. Joseph


Just because the cold and slippery conditions of winter are over doesn’t mean your accident risk goes down. In fact, the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Road Weather Management program found that 54 percent of car accidents occur in spring and summer. So why the increased risk? Here are a few reasons your accident odds rise with the temperatures from your St. Joseph personal injury attorney Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys.

Vacation traffic

It’s peak vacation season. And with a higher number of vehicles on the road, your odds of an accident also go up. Many drivers, including yourself, will be on unfamiliar terrain, where even the slightest lapse in concentration can cause an accident.

Increased pedestrian and bike traffic

When it warms up, people come outside. And with the added distraction of reading directions and increased traffic, it’s often easy to overlook the smaller, less visible pedestrians and bikes with which we share the road.

Road rage

It’s easy for little things to get to you or other drivers when you’re uncomfortable. New places and rising temperatures provide the perfect conditions for that added stress.

Seasonal growth

Rain and sun bring new life to the world. Those leafless winter trees can easily double in size over the course of spring, giving your surroundings the ability to change in a matter of hours. This decrease in visibility can often lead to problems, so take it slow even if you’re in a familiar area.


When you go from the warmth of the sun to the cool, shaded, AC-filled cabin of your car, your brain releases chemicals that make you tired. This, of course, will not make you the most alert driver on the road. So it’s important to take extra precautions and not let your drowsiness get you into trouble.

Hopefully this was a good reminder to help you stay safe this season. But if the warm weather takes advantage of your senses and you are involved in an accident, the experts and Mann Wyatt Tanksley Injury Attorneys can help. Our years of experience with accidents of this nature can get you back to your next big road trip in no time.